Stargrow Cultivar Development specializes in the development of a unique range of fruit cultivars which adds value to production on the farms of growers who plant them. The company takes care of the commercialisation of these varieties, both locally in South Africa and throughout the world and it manages the Intellectual Property Rights of these varieties.

Stargrow Cultivar Development (SCD) is adding value to fruit production supply chain with the development of a unique range of new varieties as well as with the commercialisation of these varieties, locally in South Africa or internationally. SCD’s essence is to play a role in bringing the very best of internationally bred varieties to South Africa and to offer the best selection of its own breeding program to contribute to the success of the South African and the international fruit industry.

IPPEC, Stargrow


  • Importation and/or export of material and facilitation through quarantine.
    • Administration of import process
    • Facilitation through quarantine
  • Protection and management of varieties under the applicable IP protection acts in the different
    territories management of all applicable propagation functions.
  • Evaluation of new varieties in different climatic conditions.
    • Establishment in secure evaluation blocks
    • Capturing of evaluation data
    • Processing of evaluation data
    • Post-harvest storage evaluation
    • Reporting to the variety owner of all development aspects
  • Commercialisation of new varieties.

Permit application and import logistics

SCD will ensure that the necessary import permit is supplied, the parcel is tracked, custom cleared and established in quarantine.

Quarantine (Administered by the South African Department of Agriculture) 18 months

SCD Appoints a dedicated team member who regularly visits the quarantine facility to ensure that the material receives the optimum treatment and the relevant indexing is performed to reach a prompt release and issue of propagation material.

Material released to the importer (+- 24 Months)

Stargrow has its own nurseries where propagation of the new variety will then be facilitated. By having this done “in-house” Stargrow will have full control over any plant material that is planted and distributed. Commercial propagation is also facilitated at these sites.

Plant Breeders Rights – PBR

South Africa is a UPOV member country, therefor adequate legal protection exists for effective control of varieties under the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act. PBR application and management is another important responsibility of SCD. SCD will together with the owner ensure that the necessary application documents are being completed and submitted. Description of the variety starts as soon as the plants bear their first fruit. If the variety is believed to be unique, distinct and uniform, Plant Breeders’ Rights can be granted. SCD is currently involved in the management and maintenance of more than 70 PBR protected varieties and another 130 have been provisionally protected and are currently undergoing technical examination.


PBR protection is only one aspect of the protection of a variety under Stargrow’s management. Further to PBR protection SCD is also dedicated to contractually protect the variety in consultation with an expert legal team where necessary.

Secure test sites

SCD has established secure evaluation plots at different locations in the Western Cape to offer optimal growing conditions. Further, Stargrow would establish secure evaluation sites at growers in different climatic conditions under a non-propagation testing agreement where it is allowed under the head license.

Production nurseries

Stargrow has its own commercial nurseries situated in Citrusdal (Rooihoogte)Kouebokkeveld (Suikerbosrand) and Clanwilliam (Marthinusrust) in the Western Cape. All the nurseries are certified to conform to the standards required for the Southern African Citrus and Deciduous fruit Improvement Schemes. We are thus able to produce and supply high quality certified trees to all growers across South Africa.
All propagation aspects of trees are undertaken at the various nursery facilities and are managed by dedicated experienced production teams.

Evaluation process

SCD has a dedicated team that is responsible for the evaluation of new varieties. The main objective of this team is to gather the necessary data during the year to efficiently and effectively evaluate varieties with the aim of commercialization. Varieties are evaluated compared to industry standards. The team, led by our chief evaluator, consists of trained and experienced staff with a technical background. In addition SCD consult with independent marketers, consultants and growers giving exposure to new varieties and to get feedback on the market acceptance of a new variety.
The following data is recorded by our evaluation team at specific times during the year and include:


This evaluation data is then interpreted and will be presented in a comprehensive evaluation report to the owner of the variety according to the terms of the Testing and Evaluation Agreement.

Breeding program

SCD also has its own breeding program for pome, stone fruit and table grapes. The main goal of the program is to provide new varieties to contribute to sustainable production. Focusing on local challenges such as climate adapted varieties along with varieties from early to late and good production.
Stargrow is a member of the INN (International New Variety Network) which is a partnership with international nurseries and breeders which work to the advantage of both parties.

Commercialisation of new varieties

Stargrow is developing and managing varieties according to the different commercial models. These models include:

– “open model”: any grower can plant the variety and any marketer can market the fruit.
– “semi open model”: any grower can plant the variety and only specific marketers are appointed that can market the fruit.
– “closed model”: selected growers can plant allocated hectares of the variety and only certain marketers is appointed that can market the fruit.

A dedicated financial team is in charge of managing the royalty model according to the specific development model of the variety and according to the terms and conditions of the head license agreement.


T: +27 (0)21 880 1882
E-mail: cultivar@stargrow.co.za



Marthinusrust is situated west of the N7 between Clanwilliam (Paleisheuwel turn off) and Citrusdal (Marcuskraal turn off).  Marthinusrust is used mainly for stone fruit and vines (table and wine) propagation. Apart from normal propagation of plants, we also use this site for the rooting of pear and stone fruit  rootstocks, because of the exceptional rooting we obtain, due to a suitable climate and soil. Marthinusrust is also the site of our vine rootstock motherblocks for production of vine rootstocks.


You are welcome to contact us at:

T: +27 (0)27 470 0058/6
E: marketing@stargrow.co.za


Rooihoogte is situated 5 km north of Citrusdal. As Citrusdal is an area that is totally free from citrus greening and black spot, this Stargrow Nursery site is very well positioned to produce top quality citrus trees. Apart from the citrus trees, olives and mango trees are also grown at Rooihoogte.


You are welcome to contact us at:

T: +27 (0)22 921 2232
F: +27 (0)22 921 2747
E: marketing@stargrow.co.za


Suikerbosrand is situated in the Koue Bokkeveld approximately 30 km west of the small town of Op die Berg, north of Ceres. Suikerbosrand is the Stargrow Nursery site that is responsible for the propagation of Apple– and Pear trees.This particular site is ideal for pome fruit because of high chilling units which are necessary for good hardening off of trees.  This site also produces cherries, cherry rootstocks and  raspberry canes.


You are welcome to contact us at:

T: +27 (0)23 317 0008
E: marketing@stargrow.co.za


Stargrow Fruit Production refers to the commercial production of fruit in the Vyeboom, Koue Bokkeveld, Wolseley and Piketberg areas where pears, apples and citrus are commercially farmed on various properties of about 200ha in total. The farmland is either owned by Stargrow, or the fruit production is in partnership with third parties of which some are successful black empowerment projects.


“We at Stargrow Fruit Marketing aim to build lasting business relationships worldwide. We accomplish this by focussing on the 3 vital aspects forming the foundation of our company philosophy.

We have positioned ourselves to supply selected fresh produce on a year round basis through sourcing fruit in both Southern and Northern Hemisphere countries. We currently ship from 11 different countries to more than 33 markets. Our quality is supported through dedicated employees tasked to report on the quality of products from packing to before loading.”

Our product supply on par with the market trends and currently include the following products:

  • Pome fruit (apples and pears)
  • Stonefruit (peaches, plums, nectarines and apricots)
  • Grapes
  • Citrus (lemons, navels, valencias, clementines, mandarins and grapefruit)

Download our Fruit Availability Chart:

Countries We Export From Scaled, Stargrow


Countries We Export To Scaled, Stargrow


Stargrow Development  is  a majority  black  owned company  and  is  a  subsidiary of  the  Stargrow  Group.

The Stargrow Development model consists of a suite of integrated interventions across the agricultural value chain. Involvement with the farmer focuses on the following:


  • Comprehensive farm analysis
  • Business management guidance
  • Access to improved protected varieties
  • Assist with access to finance
  • Technical assistance and transfer of production technologies
  • Project Management / Project Implementation Assistance
  • Competitive market returns and market integration